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Data Fetching and Caching

Published on Nov 10, 2023, updated a year ago

Data Fetching

With Weaverse, fetching data server-side is straightforward. This ease-of-use is attributed to the weaverse client which is already injected into the application's load context. Let's explore the mechanisms and available methods for data fetching.

Fetching Page Data

The primary method for fetching a Weaverse page is the weaverse.loadPage(). This function allows you to dynamically load your page data in any route's loader function. For a comprehensive look into its usage, refer to the guide on Rendering a Weaverse Page.

Querying Storefront Data inside Weaverse's Component

Fetching storefront data within a Weaverse component is a core feature, and for this, you can rely on the * *storefront.query** function (the storefront instance is nested within the **weaverse** client). This function enables direct querying from Shopify's Storefront API.

Let's delve a bit deeper:

  • Dynamic Content Queries: One of the standout features is the ability to dynamically query content using the * *data** prop. This prop comes from the component's loader's arguments, allowing for content that responds to changes based on the component's data.

  • Typing with ComponentLoaderArgs: You can pass types to ComponentLoaderArgs<T, E>, ensuring that you have access to correct data & environment types within the component's loader function.

  • Accessing to env and request: Sometimes, while crafting your queries or managing data, you might need more context about the environment or incoming requests. The weaverse client has got you covered; it also packs information about env and request, which you can utilize as required.

Here's a sample to give you an idea:

import {  ComponentLoaderArgs,  getSelectedProductOptions,  WeaverseProduct,} from '@weaverse/hydrogen'import { PRODUCT_QUERY } from '~/data/queries'import { ProductInfoQuery } from 'storefrontapi.generated'
type MyComponentData = {  product: WeaverseProduct  // more data props...}
// Component definition...
export let loader = async (args: ComponentLoaderArgs<MyComponentData, Env>) => {  // Getting `weaverse` client instance and component's `data` from component's loader function's arguments  let { weaverse, data } = args  let { storefront, request, env } = weaverse
  if (data.product) {    return await storefront.query<ProductInfoQuery>(PRODUCT_QUERY, {      variables: {        // `product.handle` should be a `string` since `MyComponentData` type is passed to `ComponentLoaderArgs<T>`        handle: data.product.handle,        // Using `request` or `env` if needed, they are available as `weaverse` instance's properties        selectedOptions: getSelectedProductOptions(request),        language: storefront.i18n.language,        country: storefront.i18n.country,      },    })  }  return null}

Fetching Data from External APIs

With Weaverse, you're not limited to fetching just storefront data. You can easily pull data from external APIs using the weaverse.fetchWithCache method.

Here's a practical example inside a Weaverse's component:

import type { ComponentLoaderArgs } from '@weaverse/hydrogen'
type ExternalData = {  // Type definition...}
export let loader = async ({ weaverse }: ComponentLoaderArgs<{}, Env>) => {  let { fetchWithCache, env } = weaverse  let API = `https://external-api.endpoint`
  // The component's `props.loaderData` type will be `ExternalData`  return await fetchWithCache<ExternalData>(API, {    headers: {      'Content-Type': 'application/json',      'X-API-KEY': env.POKEMON_API_KEY,    },  })}

You can follow a similar approach in the route's loader function by accessing the weaverse instance from the app's load context.

import { json } from '@shopify/remix-oxygen'import { type RouteLoaderArgs } from '@weaverse/hydrogen'
export async function loader({ context }: RouteLoaderArgs) {  let { weaverse } = context  // Fetching external data with `weaverse.fetchWithCache` ...
  return json({    // ... Route's data  })}

The fetchWithCache function takes in the following parameters:

  1. url (required): The external API you want to fetch data from.

  2. options (optional): An object that:

  • Follows the same structure as the standard JavaScript's fetch function options.

  • Includes an additional strategy option introduced by Weaverse, giving you enhanced control over cache headers.


Weaverse effectively integrates Hydrogen's caching strategies, ensuring that developers have the tools necessary for optimal performance and up-to-date information delivery.

Here are the caching strategies Weaverse employs from Hydrogen:

Caching StrategyCache Control HeaderCache Duration
CacheShort()public, max-age=1, stale-while-revalidate=910 seconds
CacheLong()public, max-age=3600, stale-while-revalidate=828001 Day
CacheNone()no-storeNo cache
CacheCustom()Define your own cache control headerCustom

Default Caching Strategy

By default, Weaverse applies the CacheShort strategy to loadPage() and fetchWithCache() methods. If you'd like to modify this behavior, you can do so with the following:

Inside Weaverse's component loader

import type { ComponentLoaderArgs } from '@weaverse/hydrogen'
export let loader = async ({ weaverse }: ComponentLoaderArgs) => {  let { fetchWithCache, storefront } = weaverse  return await fetchWithCache(`https://external-api.endpoint`, {    strategy: storefront.CacheLong(),    // request init options...  })}

or inside Remix's route loader

import { json } from '@shopify/remix-oxygen'import { type RouteLoaderArgs } from '@weaverse/hydrogen'
export async function loader({ context }: RouteLoaderArgs) {  let { weaverse, storefront } = context
  return json({    weaverseData: await weaverse.loadPage({      strategy: storefront.CacheLong(),    }),    // Additional page data...  })}

Using Custom Cache

For those situations where a custom caching strategy is required:

import type { ComponentLoaderArgs } from '@weaverse/hydrogen'
export let loader = async ({ weaverse }: ComponentLoaderArgs) => {  let { fetchWithCache, storefront } = weaverse  return await fetchWithCache(`https://external-api.endpoint`, {    strategy: storefront.CacheCustom({      mode: 'must-revalidate, no-transform',      maxAge: 30,    }),    // request init options...  })}

Custom Cache Properties

If you're looking to get a more fine-tuned caching experience, Weaverse provides a set of properties you can use. Here's a quick rundown:

interface AllCacheOptions {  mode?: string // Defines caching mode (e.g., "public", "private")  maxAge?: number // Maximum age of the cache in seconds  staleWhileRevalidate?: number // Duration in which stale data can be served while revalidation is attempted  sMaxAge?: number // Similar to maxAge, but for shared (e.g., CDN) caches  staleIfError?: number // Duration in which stale data can be served if revalidation fails}

For a deeper dive into each of these cache properties, consider checking Hydrogen's documentation on cache options. This will provide a comprehensive understanding of how to best utilize them for your specific needs.

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