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Weaverse Hydrogen Component

Published on Nov 20, 2023, updated a year ago


A Weaverse Component file typically comprises these parts:

  1. Component Definition: Where the markup of the component is crafted.

  2. Type Definitions: The contract to which the component must adhere, thanks to TypeScript 💚.

  3. Component Schema: Configurations ensuring smooth interaction with Weaverse Studio.

  4. Loaders: Mechanisms tasked with data retrieval.

An abbreviated glance at each part:

import type {  ComponentLoaderArgs,  HydrogenComponentProps,  HydrogenComponentSchema,} from '@weaverse/hydrogen'import { forwardRef } from 'react'
type MyComponentData = {  heading: string  // More type definitions...}
type MyComponentProps = HydrogenComponentProps<  Awaited<ReturnType<typeof loader>>> &  MyComponentData
let MyComponent = forwardRef<HTMLElement, MyComponentProps>((props, ref) => {  let { heading, loaderData, ...rest } = props  // More component logic...
  return (    <section ref={ref} {...rest}>      {/*    Component markup...    */}    </section>  )})
export let loader = async (args: ComponentLoaderArgs<MyComponentData>) => {  // Data fetching logic, the code will be run on the server-side ...}
export let schema: HydrogenComponentSchema = {  type: 'unique-type-string',  title: 'My Component',  // More schema definitions...}
export default MyComponent


Defining The Component

The visual representation of your component comes to life in this step. Here are a few key principles to note:

  1. Always use forwardRef to define your component.

  2. Ensure the component accepts and forwards both ref and the rest (...rest) of the props. This guarantees proper rendering and interaction within Weaverse Studio.


let MyComponent = forwardRef<HTMLElement, MyComponentProps>((props, ref) => {  let { loaderData, ...rest } = props  return <section ref={ref} {...rest} />})
export default MyComponent

Registering the Component

Remember to include your component in the main components export. This allows it to be recognized and usable within * *Weaverse Studio**:

// <root>/app/weaverse/components.ts
import type { HydrogenComponent } from '@weaverse/hydrogen'import * as MySectionComponent from '~/sections/my-comp'
export let components: HydrogenComponent[] = [  // ... more components  MySectionComponent,]

Defining Types

Types enhance the predictability of your component. Once defined, you can utilize these types in your component, ensuring expected data shapes and enhancing stability.


import type { HydrogenComponentProps } from '@weaverse/hydrogen'
type MyComponentData = {  heading: string  height: number  // More type definitions...}
type MyComponentProps = HydrogenComponentProps & MyComponentData
let MyComponent = forwardRef<HTMLElement, MyComponentProps>((props, ref) => {  // Get the data from props  let { heading, height, ...rest } = props
  return <section ref={ref} {...rest} />})

Defining Schema

The schema is an object that assists in determining how your component is presented and interacted with within * *Weaverse Studio**:

import type { HydrogenComponentSchema } from '@weaverse/hydrogen'
export let schema: HydrogenComponentSchema = {  type: 'unique-type-string',  title: 'Component Name',  inspector: [    // Inspector Configurations...  ],  toolbar: ['general-settings', ['duplicate', 'delete']],}

For further details, delve into the Component Schema article.

Input Settings in Schema

The inspector key within your schema provides configurations to allow non-developers to modify your component within * *Weaverse Studio**:

{  inspector: [    {      group: 'Hero',      inputs: [        {          type: 'select',          name: 'height',          label: 'Height',          configs: {            options: [              { label: 'Auto', value: 'auto' },              { label: 'Fullscreen', value: 'full' },            ],          },          defaultValue: 'auto',        },        // More input settings...      ],    },  ]}

Explore the crafting of settings in the Input Settings article.

The Power of Loader Function

Component's loader function have the unique ability to run on the server-side 😎, a standout feature in **Weaverse **, allowing your components to dynamically respond to data:

import type { ComponentLoaderArgs } from '@weaverse/hydrogen'
export let loader = async (args: ComponentLoaderArgs<MyComponentData>) => {  let { weaverse, data } = args
  // Data fetching logic...
  return {    // ... loader data  }}

Unlock the potential of loaders with the Data Fetching & Caching article.


Components, with their multifaceted capabilities, are vital in crafting a powerful, efficient, and user-friendly theme on Weaverse.

To dive deeper into how component schemas work, check out our next article on Component Schema.

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