Weaverse Hydrogen Tutorial
Welcome to this comprehensive guide on setting up a Weaverse Hydrogen project using the pre-made "Pilot" theme. This tutorial is designed to walk you through the entire process, from installation to deployment, enabling you to launch your Shopify store with a custom theme. Whether you're following along or exploring the content, this guide should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Before diving into this tutorial, you should have a solid understanding of the following technologies. If you're new to any of these, we recommend reviewing the linked resources first:
- React
- Remix
- Shopify Hydrogen
- Shopify Theme Architecture
- TailwindCSS
- TypeScript
- Shopify Storefront API
Getting Started
Installing Weaverse
Begin your journey by installing Weaverse directly from the Shopify App Store. Once installed, you can access it through your Shopify Admin Dashboard. Install Weaverse App
Creating Your Project
After installation, create a new project by clicking the "Create Project" button. The Pilot theme will be selected by default. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your project setup.
Exploring the Theme Editor
Once your project is created, you'll have access to the theme editor where you can customize your theme, add new sections and blocks, and preview changes in real-time.
Setting Up Local Development
To begin local development with your Weaverse Hydrogen project, you have several options for cloning or setting up the project. The Pilot theme is available at: Pilot Theme GitHub Repository.
Option 1: Using Weaverse CLI
The Weaverse CLI streamlines the setup process by automatically configuring your project:
- Install Weaverse CLI: Run the following command in your terminal:
npx @weaverse/cli@latest create --template=pilot --project-id=<your-project-id> --project-name=<your-project-name>
with your actual project details.
Option 2: Cloning from GitHub
Clone the GitHub repository to work with the latest version of the Pilot theme:
- Clone Repository: Use the following command:
git clone https://github.com/weaverse/pilot.git <your-project-name>
with your preferred project directory name.
Option 3: Downloading ZIP
For those who prefer not to use Git, downloading the project as a ZIP file is a simple alternative:
- Download ZIP: Visit the Pilot theme's GitHub page, click the "Code" dropdown, and select "Download ZIP".
- Extract Files: Extract the ZIP file to your desired project location.
Option 4: Using GitHub Template
GitHub's repository template feature provides an easy way to create a new repository based on the Pilot theme:
- Generate from Template: Go to the Pilot theme's GitHub page and click "Use this template".
- Clone Your Repository: After creating your repository, clone it locally:
git clone <your-new-repository-url>
with your new repository's URL.
Configuring Your Local Environment
After setting up your project, follow these steps to prepare your local development environment:
Navigate to Project Directory:
cd <your-project-name>
Configure Environment Variables:
- Create a
file in your project root - Install either Headless or Hydrogen app on your Shopify store
- Add the following environment variables to your
For demo setup with
For real store setup:
SESSION_SECRET="your-randomly-generated-secret"PUBLIC_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN="your-public-storefront-api-token"PUBLIC_STORE_DOMAIN="your-store.myshopify.com"WEAVERSE_PROJECT_ID="your-weaverse-project-id"PUBLIC_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_API_CLIENT_ID="your-customer-account-api-client-id"PUBLIC_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_API_URL="https://your-shopify-store.myshopify.com/api/2022-01/graphql" ### Optional Variables:#PRIVATE_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN="your-private-storefront-api-token"#PUBLIC_STOREFRONT_API_VERSION="unstable"#WEAVERSE_API_KEY="your-weaverse-api-key"#WEAVERSE_HOST="https://studio.weaverse.io"
📌 Note: Never commit your
file to version control. Instead, use an.env.example
file to share the structure without exposing sensitive information. - Create a
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Start Development Server:
npm run dev
Your project will be available at
. -
Update Preview URL:
- In Weaverse Studio, set the Project Preview URL to
- In Weaverse Studio, set the Project Preview URL to
Understanding the Pilot Theme
The Pilot theme provides a robust foundation for your Shopify Hydrogen store, equipped with essential components and structures for rapid customization.
Project Structure
Your project includes several key directories and files, particularly within the app/weaverse
and app/sections
🌳 <root>├── 📁 app│ ├── 📁 ...│ ├── 📁 components│ ├── 📁 data│ ├── 📁 graphql│ ├── 📁 hooks│ ├── 📁 libs│ ├── 📁 routes│ ├── 📁 sections│ ├── 📁 styles│ ├── 📁 weaverse│ │ └── 📄 components.ts│ │ └── 📄 create-weaverse.server.ts│ │ └── 📄 index.tsx│ │ └── 📄 schema.server.ts│ │ └── 📄 style.tsx│ ├── 📄 entry.client.tsx│ ├── 📄 entry.server.tsx│ └── 📄 root.tsx├── 📁 public│ └── 📄 favicon.svg├── 📄 .editorconfig├── 📄 .env├─ ─ 📄 package.json├── 📄 remix.config.js├── 📄 remix.env.d.ts├── 📄 server.ts├── 📄 sync-project.md└── 📄 tailwind.config.js└── 📄 ...
Creating Custom Sections
Let's enhance your theme by adding a customizable UserProfiles
section that displays user profiles using Shopify's MetaObject for data storage.
Implementing the UserProfiles Section
- Create the Section: In
, create auser-profiles
folder and add anindex.tsx
file. Implement theUserCard
const UserCard = () => { return ( <div className="border bg-card text-card-foreground rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-lg max-w-sm mx-auto hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-200" data-v0-t="card" > <img alt="Profile picture" className="object-cover w-full" height="320" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0728/0410/6547/files/medium_3.webp?v=1702346343" style={{ aspectRatio: '320/320', objectFit: 'cover' }} width="320" /> <div className="p-4"> <h2 className="text-2xl font-bold hover:text-gray-700 transition-all duration-200"> Emily Johnson </h2> <h3 className="text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-600 transition-all duration-200"> Front-end Developer </h3> <p className="mt-2 text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-700 transition-all duration-200"> Passionate about creating interactive user interfaces. </p> <div className="flex mt-4 space-x-2"> <button className="inline-flex items-center justify-center whitespace-nowrap text-sm font-medium ring-offset-background focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 bg-primary text-primary-foreground h-9 rounded-md px-3 w-full hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white transition-all duration-200"> Follow </button> <button className="inline-flex items-center justify-center whitespace-nowrap text-sm font-medium ring-offset-background focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 border border-input bg-background hover:bg-accent h-9 rounded-md px-3 w-full hover:border-gray-700 hover:text-gray-700 transition-all duration-200"> Message </button> </div> </div> </div> )}
- Define the Component: Create the
component that incorporates theUserCard
interface UserProfilesProps extends HydrogenComponentProps {}const UserProfiles = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, UserProfilesProps>( (props, ref) => { return ( <div className="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-4 p-4"> <UserCard /> </div> ) },)
export default UserProfiles
- Create Schema: Define a schema for the
export const schema: HydrogenComponentSchema = { title: 'User Profiles', type: 'user-profiles', inspector: [],}
- Register Component: Add
import * as UserProfiles from '~/sections/user-profiles'
export let components: HydrogenComponent[] = [ // ...other components UserProfiles,]
After completing these steps, you can add and preview the UserProfiles
section in Weaverse Studio.
Working with Shopify MetaObjects
Shopify MetaObjects provide a powerful way to extend your store's data model with custom fields. This feature is particularly valuable for themes and apps that require additional data beyond Shopify's standard fields.
Creating a UserProfile MetaObject
To store custom data for user profiles, you'll need to create a MetaObject in your Shopify Admin:
Access Shopify Admin: Navigate to
>Custom data
Create MetaObject Definition:
- Click "Add definition"
- Name it
Define Fields:
(Single line text): User's full nameavatar
(File): User's profile picture (image files only)role
(Single line text): User's position or roledescription
(Multiple line text): User's bio or description
- Save Changes: Save your MetaObject definition
Adding Sample Data
- Access MetaObjects: Go to
>Custom data
- Select Definition: Choose your
definition - Add Entries: Click "Add entry" and fill in the fields
- Save and Repeat: Save each entry and add more as needed
Querying MetaObject Data
To display the custom data from your UserProfile MetaObjects, you'll need to create a GraphQL query to fetch the data from Shopify's Storefront API.
Creating the Query
Add this query to your app/data/queries.ts
export const METAOBJECTS_QUERY = `#graphql query MetaObjects($type: String!, $first: Int) { metaobjects(type: $type, first: $first) { nodes { fields { key type value reference { ... on MediaImage { alt image { altText url width height } } } } handle id type } } }`
Implementing the Loader
Add the following code to your app/sections/user-profiles/index.tsx
export let schema: HydrogenComponentSchema = { type: 'meta-demo', title: 'Metaobject Demo', toolbar: ['general-settings', ['duplicate', 'delete']], inspector: [ { group: 'Metaobject Demo', inputs: [ { label: 'Select metaobject definition', type: 'metaobject', name: 'metaObjectData', shouldRevalidate: true, }, { label: 'Items per row', name: 'itemsPerRow', type: 'range', configs: { min: 1, max: 10, defaultValue: 3, }, }, ], }, ],}
export let loader = async (args: ComponentLoaderArgs<UserProfilesProps>) => { let { weaverse, data } = args let { storefront } = weaverse if (!data?.metaObjectData) { return null } let { metaobjects } = await storefront.query(METAOBJECTS_QUERY, { variables: { type: data.metaObjectData.type, first: 10, }, }) return { userProfiles: metaobjects.nodes, }}
The shouldRevalidate
property ensures the page updates when a different metaobject definition is selected.
Finalizing the UserProfiles Section
Update your app/sections/user-profiles/index.tsx
with this complete implementation:
import { Image } from '@shopify/hydrogen'import type { ComponentLoaderArgs, HydrogenComponentProps, HydrogenComponentSchema,} from '@weaverse/hydrogen'import { Button } from '~/components'import { METAOBJECTS_QUERY } from '~/data/queries'import clsx from 'clsx'import { forwardRef } from 'react'
const UserCard = ({ user }: { user: any }) => { let { fields } = user let image = fields.find((field: any) => field.key === 'avatar') let imageData = image?.reference?.image let name = fields.find((field: any) => field.key === 'name')?.value let role = fields.find((field: any) => field.key === 'role')?.value let description = fields.find( (field: any) => field.key === 'description', )?.value return ( <div className="flex flex-col gap-2 items-center border bg-card text-card-foreground rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-lg max-w-sm mx-auto hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-200" data-v0-t="card" > <Image className="object-cover w-full" data={imageData} style={{ aspectRatio: '320/320', objectFit: 'contain' }} /> <div className="p-4"> <h2 className="text-2xl font-bold hover:text-gray-700 transition-all duration-200"> {name} </h2> <h3 className="text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-600 transition-all duration-200"> {role} </h3> <p className="mt-2 text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-700 transition-all duration-200"> {description} </p> <div className="flex mt-4 space-x-2"> <Button>Follow</Button> <Button variant={'secondary'}>Message</Button> </div> </div> </div> )}
interface UserProfilesProps extends HydrogenComponentProps { metaObjectData: { id: string type: string } itemsPerRow: number}
const UserProfiles = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, UserProfilesProps>( (props, ref) => { let { loaderData, metaObjectData, itemsPerRow, className, ...rest } = props if (!metaObjectData) { return ( <section className={clsx( 'w-full px-6 py-12 md:py-24 lg:py-32 bg-amber-50 mx-auto', className, )} ref={ref} {...rest} > <p className="text-center">Please select a metaobject definition</p> </section> ) } return ( <div className="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-4 p-4" ref={ref} {...rest} > <div className="grid w-fit mx-auto" style={{ gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${itemsPerRow}, minmax(0, 1fr))`, gap: '16rem', }} > {loaderData?.userProfiles.map((user: any) => { return <UserCard key={user.id} user={user} /> })} </div> </div> ) },)
To preview your user profiles in Weaverse Studio:
- Return to Weaverse Studio
- Add the
section to your page - Select the
MetaObject definition
Next Steps
You've now mastered the basics of setting up a Weaverse Hydrogen project with the Pilot theme, creating custom sections, and implementing MetaObjects for advanced data management. To further enhance your skills, explore these resources: