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Tutorial (20m)

Published on Mar 28, 2024, updated 10 months ago

Weaverse Hydrogen Tutorial

Welcome to this step-by-step guide on setting up a Weaverse Hydrogen project using the pre-made "Pilot" theme. Aimed at providing a hands-on experience, this tutorial is structured to guide you from installation through to deployment, ensuring you're ready to launch your Shopify store with a custom theme. Whether you're coding along or just browsing, expect to spend about 20 minutes on this guide.


This tutorial is built for developers with a foundational understanding of several key technologies. If you're unfamiliar with any of the following, please refer to the provided links before proceeding:

Installation Steps

Install Weaverse App

Weaverse can be installed directly from the Shopify App Store. After installation, access it from your Shopify Admin Dashboard. Install Weaverse App

Create a New Project

With Weaverse installed, create a new project by selecting the "Create Project" button. By default, the Pilot theme is selected. Follow the on-screen instructions to finalize the project setup.

Create Project in Weaverse

Theme Editor Exploration

After project creation, dive into the theme editor to customize your theme, from adding new sections and blocks to previewing changes in real-time. Weaverse Studio

Setup Local Development

To kickstart your local development with the Weaverse Hydrogen project, there are several methods to clone or set up the project on your local machine. Here's how you can proceed with the Pilot theme, available at: Pilot Theme GitHub Repository.

Method 1: Using Weaverse CLI

The Weaverse CLI simplifies the setup process by configuring the project directly in your workspace.

  1. Install Weaverse CLI: Execute the following command in your terminal:
    npx @weaverse/cli@latest create --template=pilot --project-id=<your-project-id> --project-name=<your-project-name>
    Replace <your-project-id> and <your-project-name> with your project's actual ID and name. This will set up the Pilot theme in the specified directory.

Method 2: Cloning from GitHub

Directly cloning the GitHub repository allows you to work with the latest version of the Pilot theme.

  1. Clone Repository: Use the clone command to copy the Pilot theme repository to your local machine.
    git clone https://github.com/weaverse/pilot.git <your-project-name>
    Substitute <your-project-name> with the desired name for your project directory.

Method 3: Downloading and Extracting ZIP

For those who prefer not to use Git, downloading the project as a ZIP file is a straightforward alternative.

  1. Download ZIP: Navigate to the Pilot theme's GitHub page and click the "Code" dropdown button, then select "Download ZIP".
  2. Extract Files: After downloading, extract the ZIP file into your preferred project location.

Method 4: Using GitHub as a Template

GitHub's repository template feature offers an easy way to create a new repository based on the Pilot theme.

  1. Generate from Template: Visit the Pilot theme's GitHub page and click the "Use this template" button. Follow GitHub's prompts to create a new repository.
  2. Clone Your New Repository: Once your repository is set up, clone it to your local machine:
    git clone <your-new-repository-url>
    Replace <your-new-repository-url> with the URL of your newly created repository.

Next Steps for Local Development Setup

After selecting one of the setup methods for your project, follow these steps to get your local development environment ready, ensuring to properly configure environment variables for a smooth workflow:

  1. Navigate to Your Project Directory:
  • Switch to your project's directory with:
    cd <your-project-name>
  1. Setting Up Environment Variables:
  • Create a .env file in the root of your project directory.

  • Install Headless or Hydrogen (paid store only) app on your Shopify store to obtain necessary API keys and tokens. Learn more

  • Populate the .env file with necessary environment variables. Here are examples for both the demo setup and a setup with real store data.

  • If you already got a store with Hydrogen app installed, you can pull the ENV with this command:

    npx shopify hydrogen env pull

    For a demo setup using mock.shop:


    For a setup with real store data:

    ### Optional:#PRIVATE_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN="your-private-storefront-api-token" # Optional#PUBLIC_STOREFRONT_API_VERSION="unstable" # Optional, defaults to Hydrogen's version#WEAVERSE_API_KEY="your-weaverse-api-key" # Optional#WEAVERSE_HOST="https://studio.weaverse.io" # Optional, defaults to Weaverse's studio URL
  • 📌 Important: To safeguard sensitive information, do not commit the .env file to version control. Instead, use an .env.example file to share the structure of environment variables without revealing the actual values.

  1. Install Dependencies:
  • Run the following command to install all required dependencies for your project:
    npm install
  1. Start the Development Server:
  • With dependencies installed, launch your local development server:
    npm run dev
  • Your project will now be accessible at http://localhost:3456, allowing you to view and interact with it in real-time. Weaverse Local Development
  1. Update Weaverse Preview URL:
  • In Weaverse Studio, update the Project Preview URL to http://localhost:3456 to preview your local development changes within the Weaverse environment. Weaverse Preview URL

Learning and Customizing the Pilot Theme

The Pilot theme serves as a fully functional base for your Shopify Hydrogen store, complete with necessary components and structures for quick customization.

Project Structure Overview

Your project structure will include several directories and files crucial for theme customization, notably within the app/weaverse and app/sections folders.

🌳 <root>├── 📁 app│   ├── 📁 ...│   ├── 📁 components│   ├── 📁 data│   ├── 📁 graphql│   ├── 📁 hooks│   ├── 📁 libs│   ├── 📁 routes│   ├── 📁 sections│   ├── 📁 styles│   ├── 📁 weaverse│   │   └── 📄 components.ts│   │   └── 📄 create-weaverse.server.ts│   │   └── 📄 index.tsx│   │   └── 📄 schema.server.ts│   │   └── 📄 style.tsx│   ├── 📄 entry.client.tsx│   ├── 📄 entry.server.tsx│   └── 📄 root.tsx├── 📁 public│   └── 📄 favicon.svg├── 📄 .editorconfig├── 📄 .env├── 📄 package.json├── 📄 remix.config.js├── 📄 remix.env.d.ts├── 📄 server.ts├── 📄 sync-project.md└── 📄 tailwind.config.js└── 📄 ...

Adding Customizable Sections

Creating customizable sections enriches the user experience. Let's add a new section called UserProfiles to display user profiles, utilizing Shopify's Metaobject for data storage.

Implementing UserProfiles

  1. Create UserProfiles Section: In app/sections, create a user-profiles folder and add an index.tsx file. Implement the UserCard component from the provided code snippet (which I found from V0.dev).
const UserCard = () => {  return (    <div      className="border bg-card text-card-foreground rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-lg max-w-sm mx-auto hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-200"      data-v0-t="card"    >      <img        alt="Profile picture"        className="object-cover w-full"        height="320"        src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0728/0410/6547/files/medium_3.webp?v=1702346343"        style={{ aspectRatio: '320/320', objectFit: 'cover' }}        width="320"      />      <div className="p-4">        <h2 className="text-2xl font-bold hover:text-gray-700 transition-all duration-200">          Emily Johnson        </h2>        <h3 className="text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-600 transition-all duration-200">          Front-end Developer        </h3>        <p className="mt-2 text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-700 transition-all duration-200">          Passionate about creating interactive user interfaces.        </p>        <div className="flex mt-4 space-x-2">          <button className="inline-flex items-center justify-center whitespace-nowrap text-sm font-medium ring-offset-background focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 bg-primary text-primary-foreground h-9 rounded-md px-3 w-full hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-white transition-all duration-200">            Follow          </button>          <button className="inline-flex items-center justify-center whitespace-nowrap text-sm font-medium ring-offset-background focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 border border-input bg-background hover:bg-accent h-9 rounded-md px-3 w-full hover:border-gray-700 hover:text-gray-700 transition-all duration-200">            Message          </button>        </div>      </div>    </div>  )}
  1. Define UserProfiles Component: Incorporate the UserCard component within UserProfiles, exporting it as the default component.
interface UserProfilesProps extends HydrogenComponentProps {}const UserProfiles = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, UserProfilesProps>(  (props, ref) => {    return (      <div className="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-4 p-4">        <UserCard />      </div>    )  },)
export default UserProfiles
  1. Schema Definition: Define a basic schema for UserProfiles to ensure proper rendering and integration with the Weaverse theme editor.
export const schema: HydrogenComponentSchema = {  title: 'User Profiles',  type: 'user-profiles',  inspector: [],}
  1. Registration: Register UserProfiles in app/weaverse/components.ts for it to appear in the Weaverse Studio, enabling its addition to pages.
import * as UserProfiles from '~/sections/user-profiles'
export let components: HydrogenComponent[] = [  // ...other components  UserProfiles,]

Upon completion, you should be able to add and preview the UserProfiles section within Weaverse Studio, marking the beginning of your theme's customization journey.

Weaverse User Profiles Preview

Next Steps: Defining Shopify MetaObject

Shopify MetaObjects offer a powerful way to add custom data to your Shopify store, enabling you to store additional information beyond the standard fields provided by Shopify. This feature is particularly useful for themes and apps that require custom data fields for products, customers, and other resources.

Creating a MetaObject for User Profiles

To incorporate custom data for user profiles in your Weaverse Hydrogen project, you need to define a MetaObject in Shopify Admin. Here's how to set up a UserProfile MetaObject:

  1. Navigate to Shopify Admin: Access your store's admin panel and go to Settings > Custom data.
  2. Add a MetaObject Definition:
  • In the "Metaobject definitions" section, click "Add definition".
  • Enter a definition name, such as UserProfile, to start creating your custom data structure.
  1. Define Fields for UserProfile:
  • name (Single line text): The user's full name.
  • avatar (File): Choose the File type and accept only image file types for the user's avatar.
  • role (Single line text): The user's role or position.
  • description (Multiple line text): A detailed bio or user description.

Shopify MetaObject Definition

  1. Save and Apply Changes: After defining the fields, save the MetaObject definition and apply it to your store.

Adding Sample Entries to UserProfile MetaObject

  1. Access Shopify Admin: Go to Settings > Custom data.

  2. Find MetaObjects: Click on MetaObjects, then select your UserProfile definition.

  3. Add Sample Entry:

  • Click “Add entry”.
  • Fill in the fields: Name, Avatar (image file), Role, and Description.
  1. Save Entry: Ensure each entry is saved.

  2. Repeat: Add more entries to test various data presentations.

Shopify MetaObject Entries

Querying the UserProfile MetaObject

To leverage the custom data stored in UserProfile MetaObjects within your Shopify store, you'll need to craft a GraphQL query that fetches this data from the Shopify Storefront API. The query and its implementation are outlined below:

Fetching MetaObject Data

Add the following query to your app/data/queries.ts file to retrieve MetaObject data. This query is designed to fetch a specific type of MetaObject, including details such as key, type, value, and any associated media images.

// app/data/queries.ts
export const METAOBJECTS_QUERY = `#graphql  query MetaObjects($type: String!, $first: Int) {    metaobjects(type: $type, first: $first) {      nodes {        fields {          key          type          value          reference {            ... on MediaImage {              alt              image {                altText                url                width                height              }            }          }        }        handle        id        type      }    }  }`

This query has been added to app/data/queries.ts in the Weaverse Pilot theme repository for your reference.

Implementing the Loader Function

Next, define a metaobject picker input and a loader function within your component to utilize this query. This example demonstrates how to set up the loader function in app/sections/user-profiles/index.tsx:

// app/sections/user-profiles/index.tsx
export let schema: HydrogenComponentSchema = {  type: 'meta-demo',  title: 'Metaobject Demo',  toolbar: ['general-settings', ['duplicate', 'delete']],  inspector: [    {      group: 'Metaobject Demo',      inputs: [        {          label: 'Select metaobject definition',          type: 'metaobject',          name: 'metaObjectData',          shouldRevalidate: true,        },        {          label: 'Items per row',          name: 'itemsPerRow',          type: 'range',          configs: {            min: 1,            max: 10,            defaultValue: 3,          },        },      ],    },  ],}
export let loader = async (args: ComponentLoaderArgs<UserProfilesProps>) => {  let { weaverse, data } = args  let { storefront } = weaverse  if (!data?.metaObjectData) {    return null  }  let { metaobjects } = await storefront.query(METAOBJECTS_QUERY, {    variables: {      type: data.metaObjectData.type,      first: 10,    },  })  return {    userProfiles: metaobjects.nodes,  }}

The shouldRevalidate property in the metaobject input ensures the page revalidates, allowing the loader function to fetch new data whenever a different metaobject definition is selected.

The loader function returns a userProfiles object containing the fetched MetaObject data, making it accessible through props.loaderData in your component for rendering user profiles.

Finishing the UserProfiles Section

It's time to finalize the UserProfiles section. Update your code with the following snippet in the app/sections/user-profiles/index.tsx file:

// app/sections/user-profiles/index.tsx
import { Image } from '@shopify/hydrogen'import type {  ComponentLoaderArgs,  HydrogenComponentProps,  HydrogenComponentSchema,} from '@weaverse/hydrogen'import { Button } from '~/components'import { METAOBJECTS_QUERY } from '~/data/queries'import clsx from 'clsx'import { forwardRef } from 'react'
const UserCard = ({ user }: { user: any }) => {  let { fields } = user  let image = fields.find((field: any) => field.key === 'avatar')  let imageData = image?.reference?.image  let name = fields.find((field: any) => field.key === 'name')?.value  let role = fields.find((field: any) => field.key === 'role')?.value  let description = fields.find(    (field: any) => field.key === 'description',  )?.value  return (    <div      className="flex flex-col gap-2 items-center border bg-card text-card-foreground rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-lg max-w-sm mx-auto hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-200"      data-v0-t="card"    >      <Image        className="object-cover w-full"        data={imageData}        style={{ aspectRatio: '320/320', objectFit: 'contain' }}      />      <div className="p-4">        <h2 className="text-2xl font-bold hover:text-gray-700 transition-all duration-200">          {name}        </h2>        <h3 className="text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-600 transition-all duration-200">          {role}        </h3>        <p className="mt-2 text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-700 transition-all duration-200">          {description}        </p>        <div className="flex mt-4 space-x-2">          <Button>Follow</Button>          <Button variant={'secondary'}>Message</Button>        </div>      </div>    </div>  )}
interface UserProfilesProps extends HydrogenComponentProps {  metaObjectData: {    id: string    type: string  }  itemsPerRow: number}
const UserProfiles = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, UserProfilesProps>(  (props, ref) => {    let { loaderData, metaObjectData, itemsPerRow, className, ...rest } = props    if (!metaObjectData) {      return (        <section          className={clsx(            'w-full px-6 py-12 md:py-24 lg:py-32 bg-amber-50 mx-auto',            className,          )}          ref={ref}          {...rest}        >          <p className="text-center">Please select a metaobject definition</p>        </section>      )    }    return (      <div        className="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-4 p-4"        ref={ref}        {...rest}      >        <div          className="grid w-fit mx-auto"          style={{            gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${itemsPerRow}, minmax(0, 1fr))`,            gap: '16rem',          }}        >          {loaderData?.userProfiles.map((user: any) => {            return <UserCard key={user.id} user={user} />          })}        </div>      </div>    )  },)

The updated UserProfiles component utilizes data fetched by the loader function. This data is passed from the loaderData prop and used to render individual UserCard components for each user profile, displaying the user's name, role, description, and avatar.

To preview the user profiles within Weaverse Studio:

  • Navigate back to Weaverse Studio.
  • Add the UserProfiles section to your page.
  • Select the UserProfile MetaObject definition to display the profiles.

Weaverse User Profiles Preview


You now have the essential skills to set up a Weaverse Hydrogen project using the Pilot theme, customize sections, and utilize MetaObjects for sophisticated data management. Here are some resources to further expand your expertise:

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